Our way to help prevent recidivism and violence before it happens is by showing youth referred to us different lifestyles and ways of financially sustaining themselves in order to change their state of mind that sees no other way. It's our goal that every young person that takes part of our programs leaves with a fresh outlook on life, a positive role model and a way to cope with trauma.
Risk Reduction
Enhancing Protective Factors
Positive Youth Development (PYD)
Measured by upfront intakes and periodic assessments of program activities and participant involvement
Less number of youth reoffending
Improved family and peer relationships
Gained and/or maintained employment
Improved school participation
GED, or greater, achieved
Junior Mentorships - participants can become leaders
Access to needed resources
Peace Watch
A community gun violence strategy - a coming together of proven approaches that have shown good results separately in Louisville and other cities. The idea is that interventionists work in concert with each other across neighborhoods and in support of each other. It is imperative that we try a different strategy that is collectively focused and community-centered.
Used to positively impact the levels of safety in our communities:
- Community members trained in de-escalation & early intervention techniques.
- Focused canvassing of neighborhoods.
- Building neighborhood coalitions.
- Maintaining pertinent neighborhood data.
- Conducting bi-weekly Peace Watch community coalition strategy meetings.
- Monitoring social media.
- Developing a list of resources that support the activities of your group.
- Becoming involved with existing peace initiatives.
- Evaluating your successes.
In identified communities: Russell, Portland, California, Newburg, Shawnee, Service Providers
- Neighborhoods that are empowered to act as their own safer community agents.
- Organized and widespread community support for each other.
- A reduction in shootings/homicides in each PWG area.
- A mechanism for quicker responses to shootings/homicides.
- Long-term and ongoing safer communities